The purpose of this page is to familiarize you with the planes, sequences, and protocols used in cardiac MR.  Sequence descriptions are kept to a minimum here and are discussed in one of the recommended readings.   This page focuses instead on obtaining the proper imaging planes for performing a cardiac MR exam. Once you know how to get the planes you can put them together to form actual cardiac MRI protocols.  To scroll though multi plane stacks (images with borders), click on the image and use the "<" and ">" keys.


CMR Sequences




CMR Planes



Basic CMR Protocols




Dark Blood


Dark blood images null the signal from blood using the double inversion recovery (DIR) technique, which is not discussed further here.  DIR sequences can be fast spin echo, in which case each image is acquired in a separate breath hold, or single shot, in which case multiple images are acquired in one breath hold.  DIR images are always gated to the EKG so that cardiac motion is removed from the images.  These sequences are used to determine anatomy.


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Bright Blood


Bright blood technique is either a balanced steady state (TRUE FISP or FIESTA) or a more conventional gradient echo (GRE) sequence.  TRUE FISP is faster and has better signal to noise and contrast to noise ratios, but is more susceptible to metal artifact and magnetic field inhomogenieties.  This is the sequence we use most often to watch the heart beat.  GRE is more sensitive for detecting turbulent jets but has lower contrast and the images take longer to acquire.  You might use GRE if you are looking to see the subtle jet of an ASD or VSD.  Both techniques are gated to the EKG to produce movies of the beating heart.  Generally, 1 slice is obtained per breath hold.  These images are used to assess cardiac function by watching the heart beat.


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Triple Inversion Recovery


Fast spin echo sequence is a double inversion recovery STIR  Edema and fluid are bright.  This is used to look for myocardial edema from myocarditis or active inflammatory disease.  The images are gated to the EKG.  Generally, one image is obtained per breath hold.  Since this is a STIR the sequence is run pre-contrast.


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Delayed Myocaridal Enhancement (MDE)


Post contrast sequence used to evaluate for myocardial scar.  Normal myocardium enhances and then washes out.  Myocardial scar enhances late.  An inversion recovery pulse is used to null the signal from normal myocardium and make the scar more conspicuous.  The optimal inversion time (TI) is different for each patient and is determined by you and manually entered into the sequence to optimize results.  MDE images are obtained 10-15 minutes after contrast injection to give the scar time to enhance.


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Phase Contrast


This is a gradient echo sequence used to measure blood velocity.  By integrating pixel velocities across a vessel volume flows can be calculated.  Velocity measurements are used to estimate pressure gradients.  Volume flows are used to calculate stroke volumes, estimate shunt fractions (by comparing pulmonary versus systemic flow), and for assessing the severity of valvular insufficiency (by measuring regurgitant fractions).  You must estimate the maximum velocity of the blood in the vessel you are imaging prior to running the sequence.


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Axial Scouts:



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Vertical Long Axis (VLA)





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Right Vertical Long Axis (rVLA)






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Right Ventricular Outflow Tract (RVOT)





RV = Right Ventricle, RVOT = Right Ventricular Outflow Tract, PA = Pulmonary Artery, LA = Left Atrium, A = Aorta


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Fake Short Axis





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Pulmonary Artery






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True 4 Chamber (4CH)







LA = Left Atrium, LV = Left Vetricle, RA = Right Atrium, RV = Right Ventricle, A = Aorta


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Short Axis Stack (SAS)







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3 Chamber View (3CH), Also called Left Ventricular Outflow Tract (LVOT)




LV = Left Ventricle,  LA = Left Atrium, RV = Right Ventricle


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